5 Building Blocks for a Strong Digital Brand

A good first and lasting impression has always been important for the success of businesses, organizations and people. It is no different now. What is different is that we live in a digital age where 3 factors differentiate our times from the past:

  • In the digital age with rapid fire thumbs and six-second attention spans, we have a very short window of opportunity to make an impression. The shorter-than-goldfish-attention-spans are certainly not long enough to spend a lot of time on your value proposition.
  • As we browse the online world looking for the best solution to our problem, a weak brand impression is enough to land our prospects to the competitor’s site.
  • Our brand is visible not only on owned channels, such as our website, blogs and social media sites, but also on earned and paid channels, far and wide, across the globe, that we may sometimes not even be aware of, let alone control.

The amalgamation of these three factors: smaller attention spans, high competitive visibility, and unbridled brand visibility, make digital brand identity development imperative and exciting. Here are 5 essential steps you should take for a strong digital brand presence:


Importance of Brand Building in the Digital Age

Brand development has always been important in the world of business but building an online brand in the digital age has become critical to maintaining a competitive advantage.

Why is this so?

In the online world where your target audience has more choices, is more autonomous than ever before, and is likely to find a competitor at the click of a mouse or a tap, a reputable and well-known brand name is key to distinguishing your business from others. Moreover, considering the multiple touch points and digital channels a user interacts with before becoming a qualified lead and a customer, building a uniform brand experience becomes key to keeping your brand alive and well in the minds of prospects.

Watch the video to learn why brand building should be a priority for any business in the digital age.